During emergencies, the public needs accurate, timely information. CEDR Digital Corps meets the public where they are – on social media platforms – to ensure they have the latest information to stay safe. We are a 100% volunteer organization, and our team is spread across the United States. We work remotely, sharing vital information in real-time.
Marshall Fire
December 2021 — High winds and dry conditions caused a vegetation fire in Boulder County, Colorado. Suburban cities were at risk, and people needed to evacuate immediately.
CEDR worked to convey the situation’s urgency, with tens of thousands of people under evacuation orders and warnings. We clarified evacuation routes and shelters for humans, livestock, and small animals. We communicated up-to-the-minute information on recovery resources.
Mapping – Shelters

In 2019, Hurricane Dorian crawled up the East Coast. As evacuation orders were issued, CEDR mapped over 80 shelters in six states and territories to help evacuees find safety.
When the Unexpected Happens

During the 2020 earthquake in Puerto Rico, CEDR identified that Puerto Rican residents were not going to the official shelters. CEDR used social media, traditional media, contacts on the ground, and Civil Air Patrol photos. CEDR was able to locate and map the campsites residents were using near their homes. We also shared the information with officials and agencies on the ground so they could provide aid.
Volunteer with Us!

Our Digital Helpers harness the power of crowdsourcing technology to improve disaster responses in emergent situations. Using social media, mapping tools, video technology, individual connections by phone and email, and a healthy dose of innovation and creativity, our volunteers help amplify vital messaging during emergent situations. Volunteer with us to help with innovative disaster response from the comfort of your own home.
PIEPC 2021 – Crowdsourcing for Emergencies: Using the Power of the Crowd to Improve Response
Melissa Swenson, former President of CEDR Digital Corps, and Amy Cervene, CEDR’s Training Lead, presented at the Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference in 2021.