Coronavirus Preparedness Resources & Tips
Here are our most popular Coronavirus Tweet Threads on Twitter:
-Personal Protection:
-Understanding Community Spread:
You can also find related posts here –>>>
Today’s Post is a continuation of the Community Spread theme, however, here we will focus on how you are the first line of defense.
COVID Protection Begins With You
a)The protective measures we use
b)How we interact with others in our community
c)How we interact with our environment
We’ll do a brief overview of (a) [see tweet 3]
Then we’ll move on to (b) us & our community
We’ve been covering Personal Protection since mid-February, but we’re reposting a viral tweet on how/why soap is such an effective #COVID19 tool:
But as #COVID19 spreads hand washing as a Protection is 1 tool in a multi-layered strategy. Below are other measures we must take to help stop community spread in our own homes first. Those habits will help us stay healthy and avoid infection in our own community

7a) Once a contagious disease like #COVID19 spreads in a community the next most effective way of stopping it is through Social distancing. Today Chicago & NY implemented different levels of social distancing. In the video via the link below, Dr. Arwady explains Level 1
7b) In #NY, a moderate level of mitigation was not enough to curb the rapid spread of #COVID19 in #NewRockelle #NY. As a result, the Gov increased the measures to a Level 3 with many closures and to support those who lived there the Gov of New York state activated the National Guard. They will also be helping the #NewYork State Health Dept with testing logistics. Because the spread has infected hundreds and there are over two thousands more who are potentially infected and currently in quarantine, it required a more drastic measure to keep everyone safe.

8) Today was Italy’s first day using a Level 3 Mitigation strategy – a lockdown, in order to stop the spread and reduce the deaths. In the U.S. 2 cities have opted for a more limited strategy, which has been effective in #Singapore & #Vietnam. That did not work in the Northern region of Italy and so the lockdown was expanded.
9) Social distancing measures are not without emotional impact. This past week not being able to be together for religious holidays impacted many. In the linked 4 pg. fact sheet, the different measures are explained along with the emotional impacts that arise with each and there are some strategies you can use to minimize them: