Understanding Community Spread of COVID-19

We are posting Coronavirus information and resources daily on our Twitter and Facebook accounts to help you prepare and get through this emergency keeping your family safe and healthy. We’re tagging states with new #COVID19 cases today who could use this info: #OK #MO #VT #LA #HI.

This post is about: How Covid Spreads in a Community

News of the #coronavirus #COVID-19 is everywhere, including the playground. It’s important that we talk to our kids before any members of your household get sick. The article via the link that follows, give you reassuring ways you can explain this topic to your child.

Personal preparedness is where we start to fight community spread of COVID19. It begins with hygiene practices at home & continues w/support from members of your community. Please share the link from the CDC w/leaders of organizations & businesses in your community:
Link: http://bit.ly/38oi5Po

To help you/others understand what we are dealing with I am including an article featuring 2 brand new studies about how easily #COVID19 spreads. This is meant to help you understand the new normal we are facing:

Many community organizations continue to be challenged by COVID as they try to navigate the new normal. The article below describes how the #coronavirus is changing some religious practices, which you might encounter during the holidays:

Why is curbing community spread important? Because Coronavirus could continue to spread into next year, but the impact could be blunted, CDC official says if we take certain precautions, even amidst a surge.

How does our behavior make a difference in the spread of the Coronavirus? Dr Wiles, an infectious disease expert, walks us through the answers with illustrations in their Three Phases of Covid:

Finally a tool that is important in any crisis is Self-care. Because this is a long drawn out event it’s important that you find ways to deal with increased stress in positive ways so you can remain healthy. Harvard Health’s tips for mini-relaxation: http://bit.ly/2TY0U2e

CEDRdigital is a disaster response group that activated on 1/25/20 to help communities prepare for this pandemic while supporting local government agencies get ready to respond to the #Coronavirus.

COVID19: Homeschooling Week 4

Parents, by now you have settled into homeschooling rhythm and have helped your children cope with many changes. #KidsHealth wants to make sure you take care of yourself during #Coronavirus #selfisolation and has suggestions on the Parents section: https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/coronavirus-calm.html

Some of the tools to relieve your #COVID19 stress and #coronavirus anxiety can be shared with your children and done together:

Would your child like a virtual pet? The Friendly Felines of the Philbrook Museum’s Garden Center is looking for a few pen pals and some new friends. See link below for info and cats profiles: https://philbrook.org/visit/philbrook-gardens/garden-cats/

The National Weather Service is hosting weather science webinars geared towards 4th, 5th & 6th grades for the states of
#Florida #Georgia #SC #NC #VA #MD #DE #COVID19

Google Chrome has partnered with a number of companies to offer free distance learning tools for students and educators during #COVID19: Education: https://chromebookapphub.withgoogle.com/distancelearning… Make Music: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Experiments

Check out our other Homeschooling posts for additional resources: